I'm happy to see that you allow unpaid subscribers to comment. I have two of your books.

You're a good person. I wish you and your family well. Too few people talking truth to power. You're an admirable person.

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You are my hero! I would still like a map of all the pipelines. I do hope Putin can take down all these Zionist criminal speculators

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https://en.thepage.ua/dossier/kolomoisky-ihor, there's evidence that Kolomoiski and gang are responsible for shooting down Malaysia Flight MH17 in 2014. That plane went down over eastern Ukraine and the media did everything to demonize and assign blame to Putin. https://youtu.be/NrfKZUttEwE. Also, about Wendy Sherman the under secretary of state to the U.S. recently gave a speech about her families, jewish Ukrainian origins and by pure 'cohen'cidence, she shares the same Yiddish roots as Antony Blinkin. In fact, Wendy Sherman acted as a consegliere to none other than Madelaine Albright. https://web.archive.org/web/20220110010217/https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1999-07-21-9907210072-story.html

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Great information and research. I'm new to substack and I like to read and write small pieces myself too. If you or anyone else has recommendations to check out let me know.

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I sent a snippet of this article to the smartest person I know, and the most educated. Below was his comment.


Recycled “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” with a few tweaks. He [author] needs to be ‘re-educated’ as your friend Yakov would say. No hope for him, just the gas.

The oligarchs own businesses - oil, gas, steel etc. Their original capital may have come via unconventional ways but as Balzac said - behind every great fortune there lies an equally great crime.

These people are opportunists. They are smart enough to work the system. They are no worse than capitalists elsewhere like in India. If the native Ukrainian is smart enough to do what they do, let them prove it.

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Reading this almost a year into the "conflict". Seems Putins stated goals are still being enacted as he sure is seeing to the "de-Nazification and de-militarization" of Ukraine.......and many Poles are getting splashed as well.

Say what ya want about Putin but he does do what he says he is going to do. Just wish he could somehow rid the planet of that grifter Zelensksy. I wonder if that creep has a massive closet full of identical green track suits or what?

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> mentions the plethora of jews inhabiting cabinets

> but it's not "the" jews, you guys

Ok, sure thing Ryan.

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I like that it's becoming more popular to cease using the term "the Jews" and replace it with a more exact description, "the Khazarian mafia".

Let's try it out, it'll lead to the question "who are the Khazarian mafia" so...explain it and don't leave out where Modern day Khazaria is, Ukraine. Gee, I wonder why The Khazarian mafia is defending it.

We've gotta dump "the Jews" term, it's like "The Federal Reserve"...it ain't Federal and the Khazars ain't Jews. These Khazar bred Satanists, as Ryan

tries hard to inform us about, ARE the most evil, insideous, murderous, followers of Satan in the world and cause more pain, death and struggle

by a hundred fold than any other group.

These rats are hiding behind and using authentic Jewry. Let's just leave the Jews out of it and that leaves the real enemy exposed.

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Yo is this article still legal in Florida?

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ryan I cant find your talking & footage on ur (anc report) channel... why or is there another channel on the net ? let us know

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Ry, Richard is making the argument that american foreign policy is based on economics and human action rather than a small group of people with an office in the DoD


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Well then who owns the central bank of the Russian Federation? Whoever that is, owns Putin does it not? Who owns the IBS? Do they not make decisions for both us and Russian central banks alike? They are the speculators of speculators if you will I suppose. I say it's the Jews as an international-nation.. I would be curious to know your familiarity with interest slavery.. You are a brave and honorable person. Good luck brother.

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It has also been a scam for not so big growers. I live in rural west central Wisconsin and every landowner that grew corn on virtuaily any level "benefited" from government subsidies for ethanol. Income aside and other than tit milk from the government most local small farmers have incomes that are amazingly.....modest but I was always astonished that in every driveway of every.....modest..home one could always find a brand new pickup and at least one new to newish Harley. This being Wisconsin the only motorcycle socially allowed is of course a Harley (also a big welfare queen in corporate form).

The subsidies for smaller growers I believe has been throttled down however with only the big boys really raking in the subsidies for growing fuel corn. Also a big portion of the rising cost of beef even locally has been caused by shorting the feed corn allotments. The entire ethanol scam is a real hardship all around with perhaps auto mechanics being one exception not to mention the manufacturer of Sta-bil the fuel stabilzer as ethanol blend gasoline goes "sour" pretty quickly and if I owned something like a plug in hybrid I would never fill my tank with ethanol blended fuel and to hell with the extra cost of "premium", aka "real gasoline"

Hell, I thought I was the only person around that despised this variety of governmental stupidity.

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To help with the distinction between Jews and what you're calling Jewish oligarchs.. you have to look back to the Ashkenazi Khazars. They are demonic and adopt/steal identities of those they wish to oppress. They are Turkic and have pretended to be Zoroastrian/Tengri, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim based on their target. Genghis Khan, also a Khazar, rounded up the Turkic tribes to invade Persia which at the time was under the rule of Arabs. If you take a page our of the Arab Khanate, they refer to the invaders 1200 A.D. as Khazars. Khazaria 100-900 A.D. encompassed modern day Ukraine and surrounding area including parts of Russia, Europe, and the northern Caucasus.

They still conceal their identity today in what we refer to as shell companies, controlling the world from the shadows.

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It is preposterous to think that they are divided by any racial characteristics. Germans may be more susceptible to Nazism than most people, but I doubt it. Jews are barred out, but it is an arbitrary ruling. I know lots of Jews who are born Nazis and many others who would heil Hitler tomorrow morning if given a chance. There are Jews who have repudiated their own ancestors in order to become “Honorary Aryans and Nazis”; there are full-blooded Jews who have enthusiastically entered Hitler’s secret service. Nazism has nothing to do with race and nationality. It appeals to a certain type of mind.

--Dorothy Thompson

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Lol dude the connection is Joseph Goebbels! who was constantly whispering in Hitler's ear, lying to him. He began as a bolchevik and had to issue many certificates because people would say his mother and grandmother where jewish.

He turned Germany away from christianity and into worshipping the occult hindu pagan cross. At the end of the war, he instructed that all women and children be conscripted and sent to the front. Kind of like Zalensky is doing today. At that point, nazi officials knew who he was, cancelled his order and got him arrested.

A similar trick was played on the tsar by sending him an occult "healer" Rasputin.

Kabbalistique mysticism has always been the tool of choice to brainwash the gentile.

Oh and the reason for the war on the soviets was that their talmudic man Trotsky had failed and was sacked by Stalin. Zion lost Russia even back then. Why on earth do you think the cold war happened and was promoted by neocons.

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