It’s been tried and usually not successfully. Didn’t Clinton implement something like this? I also think higher education should be free or low-cost. The problem isn’t kids making bad decisions, the problem is greedy institutions milking the system for all it’s worth. University admins and profs are making shitloads of money for doing bugger all other than pushing woke. I also think real apprenticeship programs like they have in Germany (used to have?) are a great idea.

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I think it would only work if there was a limitation on how many years you could draw from welfare and limiting the amount of times you qualify. One of the major reasons Social Security is broke is due to this and its also one of the major reasons why our borders are overrun.

As for corporate welfare, this should be abolished. Nobody is helping the working man when they make a mistake. Besides, it just breeds more of the same risky behavior.

Funny thing is that the government gives these people low cost housing or section 8 so they can pay $400 for a luxury apartment to where you're paying $3200. They also get SSI and more money for every child. And you still see these people steal groceries! I have also seen them try to buy hundreds of dollars worth of crap at an overpriced 7-Eleven and see their card being rejected and saying, "try it again!" I've also seen their teenage children trying to buy a candy bar with their EBT card only to be rejected. And if you have ever seen a receipt, they even get a reduction on the tax they pay. The middle class looks at this and thinks, "I must be a chump because they have what I have, they don't work and they have all this leisure time." If you are not making significantly more than minimum wage, there is no incentive to work here in Cali. Btw, they get free healthcare here too.

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I agree about corporate welfare. I remember the big bank bailouts in 2008. A lot of people were really pissed off.

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One more thing, before Obama, only certain apartment complexes accepted Section 8 and they were all in depressed areas. Now, every new complex (mostly created by REITS) have to accept them. This messes with the occupancy rate and their surge pricing model. Nobody talks about this. Our rent is higher due to Section 8 because a big complex can say they are almost full and charge you more. Also, what you are quoted on a Monday can be drastically different than the price they'll quote you on a Friday. Thank you Disneyland! Walmart will be doing this soon with their digital product pricing in the stores.

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Amen to that

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Read “The Racket” 2nd Edition by Matt Kennard. Dependence on government, its controls, has a long history & corporate owned “agenda”.

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Always excellent analysis! Why don't you have a radio show?

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