I’ve been to Africa 40+ times for work & surfing. Africans are great. They trip out on the African Americans that would come to Senegal & ask me what’s wrong with them? So, It’s culture not race

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Apr 22Liked by Ryan Dawson

Literally mass brainwashing through TV and environments (e.g. the public school system) intentionally meant to squash out dissent and man's spirit which is that of an explorer.

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Apr 22Liked by Ryan Dawson

I select all of the above.

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I think it's because they're learning science from tiktok and not learning anything in school

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I don’t know about pandas, but prove the globe model without NASAs fake pictures. It took me a long time to reprogram my mind from the bs the schools taught. I’m not saying the earth is flat, but it’s not what the custodians are telling us. They don’t teach keeping an open mind. They teach if you want to pass, then these are the answers you need to learn. Today, the answers are pronouns and transgender. I choose no.

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The desire for bling-bling.

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Dumbing them down - I once heard Howard Zinn state just those words. He started the statement wth "they" are dumbing them down. Sex, drugs, drugs, rock & roll, Disney captivation, higher educators, and free will, were some of his audiences feed back. Mine was Mr Zinn is dumbing us down like the media placating the complacent? Have we become a society of egos?

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Modern media and culture run by Zionists and promulgated by degenerate amoral faithless peasants obsessed with materialism. Media drives culture which drives policy. Has to be fixed by cleansing the soul of the nation. Getting rid of those promoting degeneracy and cracking down on illegal behavior

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It’s what entertains. It’s what the Zionist media propagates. It’s what people will do for the love of money.

Whites know rap as well as Blacks. And they attend the concerts. We can’t afford $300 tickets.

So I would ask yourself, why does the White culture navigate to black culture so readily? Why are you even watching this? I don’t. AND IM BLACKITY BLACK.

I bet you thought Obama was uppity.

Check yourself, Ryan.

You’re spot on with Israel, but you need some educating about Black America.

We can’t win in this country. So you can talk about how ignorant Black are…. The one white woman leashing her child was placement to avoid the look of racism which oozes through.

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Yes, in regard to book recommendations that make people more retarded than they already are. I only read books that make me smarter. And I already understand why other people are retarded.

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Earth is flat Ryan. You are too smart to not know that. Get out of the matrix. There is no curve by their own math. 8inches per mile squared. God made earth stable not a demonic spinning ball. NASA is a movie making lying POS. Check out Hodor on Gab or Eric Dubay

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I've read the article, and the comments, and, yes, I generally agree with the suggestions and reasons given for the degeneracy. But may I suggest that all of the reasons have the same cause and origin, and motivation, either direct or derivative, namely, notional currencies that are representational and inherently worthless, and central banks that have sole control of its issuance?

All currencies are a legally-ratified and state violence-enforced lie. The debt-as-wealth, fiat currency in operation everywhere in which the U.S. Dollar has reserve currency status has propelled to the status of collective hysteria the previously-established monetization hegemony and its resultant corruptibility, in which no one is permitted, let alone even imagines demanding payment in anything except 'legal tender.' The central banks, from their very inception, have been inflating the money supply without limit, and this 'easy money' has fueled everything wrong in the world, and enormously magnified the vice, graft, along with the power to influence the direction and the objective of change in society. It is what has made possible the commoditization of all values and experiences, and by so doing it has debased anything and everything. Now, think of the ability to empower the influencing of government policy, corporate culture and the corporate administration of culture, because those who control the money in this operative monetized paradigm control everything.

If this suggestion is valid, if worthless money is the cause, then the next question might be to whom could this state of affairs be attributed, who is responsible and what are their intentions, seeing that civilization is collapsing as a consequence of their foul enterprise?

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In short, because society has become hostile and intolerable for intelligent, morally inclined people, so they are not able to reproduce and have a positive effect on society. The intelligent population that's religious don't believe in guiding or participating society or are easily manipulated so they don't matter or just make things worse.

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That poor kid… I’d loose it.

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I’m gen X, it was the same. We had Octa-mom & idiotic child beauty pageants aka Jean benet Ramsey.

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